Slow emails volume 7

As always, I break my email up into two sections:

  1. Throwing Rocks in which I throw metaphorical rocks at email-related topics and break down concepts with said rocks. To be clear, this is not meant to be negative in any sense, and is meant to raise questions of "is this update really that bad?" or find answers to "should I be sending a newsletter because everyone else is?".

  2. Cool Tools - meant to be self-explanatory in nature and highlights great email tools that have caught my eye over the past month or so.

Throwing Rocks
Is the Friendly-From name dead?
It might be. Time to whip your From domain into tip-top, trustworthy shape. Read more about the rumblings with the disappearing Friendly-From name here.

No-reply is a big no-thanks from me, dawg.
I'm tired of trying to convince people that sending emails from a no-reply@ is a bad idea. So I wrote a lengthy article about it and you should read it. I also audited some no-reply experiences from SKIMS, Squarespace, and Wave.

Cool Tools & Other Cool Stuff
Rushing to send out a Christmas campaign?
I was contacted by Tom Blijleven from Flomailer last month looking for my advice from a SaaS point of view on how to launch a successful Christmas campaign. You can check out my advice, as well as 11 others here (psst... I am #8).

Using <b>, or <strong> in your emails?

Taking this from a fellow email geek, but I just learned that: The <strong> element signals that the content wrapped inside of it is of greater importance, while the <b> element is used to draw attention to text without indicating that it's more important.

AND when it comes to screen readers - most screen readers won't display the text/font characteristics being announced as you read but a word can be queried to discover its characteristics. Neat!

Tired of your coworkers DM'ing you with a "Hello" and nothing else?
Send them this.

That's all from this email marketer! Happy Holidays all!



Slow emails volume 8


10 ways to prepare for an email interview